your should be able to judge a book by it’s cover if a cover is designed well. and as we return to the hallowed art of book making like penguin’s drop cap covers it is nice to remind ourselves of the tradition that came before.
your should be able to judge a book by it’s cover if a cover is designed well. and as we return to the hallowed art of book making like penguin’s drop cap covers it is nice to remind ourselves of the tradition that came before.
with all the technology at are fingertips it isn’t uncommon to see design work packed to the hilt with over
processed art. perhaps this is why handcrafted work is all the more impressive and appreciated. bart vollebregt has created a set of posters by weaving paper to great effect.
glue, sharpies, and papercuts… this may be the makings of your homemade valentines toolbox, but for the 96 crew members of me + her they are the building blocks of a cardboard love story.
game night is a tradition many practice, whether with family or friends. the spec·trix card game harkens back to the design basics of color theory as you create the perfect gradient from the hand you are dealt.
story time may be the highlight of a child’s day, helping them imagine and learn through visual communication. you can rekindle that delight with book artist, julie chen’s, interactive and engaging books to behold.
paper is historically 2 dimensional but some see the potential for an additional dimension. join the paper party celebrating all the ways these paper masters make paper pop off the page.
fairy tale // interactive menus
The Magic Moment from Christopher Helkey on Vimeo.
a relationship with paper is the substrate of a career for a print designer. one could gush over weights, coatings, finishes, and on and on, but can your paper do this. design milk showcases avi fedida’s furniture collection that elevates sandpaper from a disposable tool to a one of a kind heirloom. the bands of color bring texture and a celebration of repurposing.
paper’s place among us has been debated and contested theoretically and literally as technology rapidly develops, but have you ever considered ‘what if paper was one of us?’ mónica tisminesky has created a pop-up book exploring this very thought with the it’s tongue-in-cheek, interactive feats of form.
there is a place for beautiful print in a designer’s heart, when the print piece happens to be a publication called gratuitous type, even better. it’s nice that features the magazine and details an accompanying gallery show and podcast if one medium is not enough to satiate your design habit.
tis the season when it is acceptable for the OCD nature of designer’s to be channeled into creative costumes. even more appropriately, the cardboard craze, is revamping packaging into characters ranging the gamut of pop-culture icons to fantasy. get your costume gears a’spinning with these creations.